It appears the holidays are truly over now. We are back to the weekly grind of work! This picture seems to sum up all that I am feeling this morning! Quite groggy actually.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! I was thinking this morning that I wanted to let everyone know that we have received a new order of peace pipes and smoking pipes in and will be getting them on our website and on eBay this afternoon. These ones are all hand painted and are made of Bamboo. They are quite unique and have been a favorite of all our customers so far, so we decided to offer another set of them for January. We shall see, but I think you will find them quite impressive!
We are also going to be adding many new information pages to our website, so please stay tuned for that. If there is a particular topic that you are hoping to know more about, you could certainly always message us and we will see if we can put an informational page together on that subject so others that have similar questions can access it as well.
Had a particularly interesting dream last night. One of my jinn came through to me to let me know that my aunt who passed on last year was quite happy with my writing skills. She was a newspaper editor, so I found that quite enjoyable. She wrote a column for a while as well, so it's quite nice to hear that she is pleased with my ability to get my point across on here. It really prompted me to get on her this morning, groggy or not, and let everyone know that your spirits that serve you and your spirit guides always surprise you. They get and give messages that you aren't even expecting! I had been feeling someone hanging around me (spirit form) lately, which isn't very unusual considering our family line of work, but this being wasn't leaving much and seemed persistent so now I do believe that it must of been her watching me.
I woke up feeling so peaceful. Don't forget to thank your spirits for giving you messages and bringing your passed on loved ones through to you like that. I think sometimes we forget that they are doing us such an honor by serving as the communicator and voice.
Anyway, going to pop over to the postman now to send out some of the magickals that people are waiting on. Hope you all have a lovely Monday!