- Pre-light candle in every room close all doors. athame consecrated water
besom incense/censer doves' blood flat rock entities for ward food for ward.
- Collect all items in a Wanning Moon Circle.
Draw pentacle on rock with doves' blood and consecrate with entities to be used for making the Ward. Wrap entities in cloth or leather and seal with wax from the candle of the Goddess.
Now with consecrated water you must seal all 13 orifices- eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, nipples, umbilicus, anus, vagina and urethra. All shall draw pentacles over each orifice while chanting " Goddess protect me from the un-welcomed".
Expand circle to include "the Place" to be cleared. Start in the North and begin each room in the North, one room at a time. Sweep room in a clockwise motion chanting " my Goddess may all un-welcomed be gone".
Repeat with Ward, athame, incense, and water, raising each implement to the four Guardians, calling them by name and asking for their power to "clear and banish the un-welcomed".
As you finish each room extinguish candle with fingers, chant "as my word so mote it be" and leave door open.
Carry forth what you have swept to the next room and begin again.
Upon completion of entire house visualize sweeping the unwanted to their proper place into the universe.
Bury the Ward with food and cover with prepared rock and give thanks to Goddess and Watchtowers?
Blessed Be
This was contributed on Spells of Magic by Belenus.